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What is the power loss of the transformer and reactive power loss
Date:2019-11-19 08:56:06 Click:

。Power loss of the transformer is divided into: active constant loss (iron loss) and active variable loss (copper loss).

Reactive power loss of the transformer is divided into: Reactive constant loss and reactive variable loss of two parts. 

1, the active power loss. It is approximately equal to the rated copper loss and apparent current (load current) and the rated current of the square ratio of the product. Namely: active variable loss = rated copper loss * (load current /rated current) of the square.

2, reactive variable loss. It is approximately equal to the percentage of rated short circuit voltage and rated capacity and (load current) product and the rated current of thesquare ratio. Namely:Reactive variable loss = rated short-circuit voltage percentage rated capacity × (load current / rated current) squared.

What is the power loss of the transformer and reactive power loss


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