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What are the common fault codes and processing methods of the inductive winding
Date:2019-12-24 09:35:44 Click:

ERR-0: data storage in the data is lost, the fault code, to remind the data stored in the online loop controller of the user will be lost, the reason for the failure is usually a long-term idle equipment, resulting in the internal power supply controller shortage; treatment equipment can be energized to open the device to allow the device to charge, the surrounding line parameters to re set the internal device.

ERR-1: inductively wound machine line starting point is around a row of pole is greater than a limit, from the peripheral position of the fault code that winding machine set beyond the maximum cable rod stroke, the fault parameters setting is wrong, only winding process reengineering parameter settings can be ruled out.

ERR-2: winding, cable mast over limit position of forward position, fault code that row pole displacement around the machine cable fault more than the maximum stroke is generally due to caused by exception handling method of stepping motor and controller of the communication, re equipped with manual reset row wire rod and wide winding parameter data.

ERR-3: in the process of winding, in addition to zero after mast cable location, fault code display a row of wire rod of the inductor winding machine back position more than zero values of the mast, the general failure is due to the zero adjustment of sensor to detect abnormal, caused by the irrational, first check control tend to close to zero sensor work normal, normal, because it can be adjusted to detect correction position.

ERR-P: password protection function, fault code description of the winding machine controller to set the password protection, you need to enter the correct password to unlock the parameters of the four unlock.

What are the common fault codes and processing methods of the inductive winding machine


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